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New IoT device could greatly improve active learning, study finds

New device shows promise for using IoT to boost active learning
A team from the University of Kent working with children in Thailand has developed a specialised IoT device that aims to improve both active learning engagement and outcomes, with some promising early results.

Called the Observation Learning System (OBSY), the device featured several components, such as a light reader and temperate monitor. These could then send data wirelessly to tablet computers provided by the Thai government.

Designed to be as child-friendly as possible, the device was used as a key part in a number of experiments, which included studying the growth of mould in different conditions.

Students using the OBSY tool were able to use its camera to take photos or videos and compare samples, monitoring changes in temperature in the objects being studied or measuring the amount of light passing through an object.

“The experiment with OBSY proves the potential for [internet of educational things] devices across a wide variety of age ranges and could help with other deployments of similar systems in schools to help with the educational development of young children,” said lead researcher Pruet Putjorn.